Loved this article, Caitlin. I grew up in the world's Mallard Duck Capital: Hanover, IL. Check out a brief history of the Whistling Wings Duck Hatchery in Hanover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4hoZ6dT2yg

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Plus, the world’s fastest steam locomotive is named after the mallard, which is pretty cool

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While out on a lake, me and some friends once saw three ducks: one obviously male, one obviously female, and the third had coloration that was sort of ambiguously in between. We concluded two things immediately: TRANS DUCK and DUCK THROUPLE. We did not get pictures because ducks do not deserve to be subject to the pervasive surveillance state of modern life.

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Love these beautiful perverts. I have been told on more than one occasion in my life that I "have to stop talking about duck sex," because some people have a limit on the amount they can contemplate the sex lives of mallards but those people are cowards.

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Beautiful. Great writing and a great share this week.

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And more on the town here--with the image of the town's water tower proudly featuring the mighty mallard: http://www.hanover-il.com/

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