4th of July is the worst holiday because it’s for hooting idiots. And not even the good kind of hooting idiots, it’s for the kind who drive around with two flags on the back of their pickup trucks.

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We had Canada Day recently, and it's equally problematic for those who know Canadian history AND for those who are still dealing with systemic racism against Indigenous and Black folks (which in many ways is even worse up here because in the US at least people talk about it).

Maybe instead of getting rid of these national days though, we could change the narrative around them. Instead of using them for blind patriotism, it could be a re-commitment to the ideals that our respective nations are SUPPOSED to have, even if they fall so very short of it in practice. And I am definitely still in favor of fireworks, time off, and food because everyone likes a party.

Also, part of the reason why I'm hesitant to issue a blanket condemnation of July 1st and 4th is because of the people that still work very hard to immigrate here and to become part of our society. And in some ways, there are aspects of what happens here that ARE better than other places. Outright condemnation of Canada and the US is as 'white privilege-y' as blind patriotism, because you are failing to recognize what you have and how your country operates compared to the rest of the world.

'Cancel'-ing a day instead of taking an opportunity to reform what it means seems like a wasted opportunity. Especially when the goal of the left at this point in time should be winning people over to our cause.

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Wouldn't think many Vets who were stationed in active war zones appreciate this time of year either on two fronts. The extreme marketing of their service just to sell beer and the actual bombs bursting in air. Again.

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Jack looks like the very worst of the privleged white kids who went to school and speaks for others. Bet he's never had a hard labor job in his fucking life, but oh boy he can sure write a thinkpiece...well at least they're going subscription, time to make some cash!

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