Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
The Capitol siege has become a super-spreader event. Fun!
The attack on the Capitol last week, and the resulting responses to it, have been, all things considered, not great. White supremacists? Check. Wild attempts to overturn elections? Check. Mainstream analysis that suffers from the laziest tropes about class and wealth, and underplays America's systemic horrors? Check. A reaction that risks further entrenching the security state? Check.
So why not throw COVID in there? Take it away, increasing evidence of a super-spreader event in Congress!

This would appear to be the logical result of being forced to sit in an enclosed, secure room with Republicans who refused to wear masks, in a city dealing with an out-of-control outbreak.
Imagine having your workplace suddenly overrun by armed white nationalist vigilantes, and then you have to hang out with Republicans for hours, and then you get COVID??? This whole week is just a rat king of bad vibes.