Quick Question, are comments turned off by default for non-subscribers? I simply can't believe the number of lead-brain centrists on these boards.

The Gawker/Deadspin/Splinter comments were as good as the comments, mostly because these bad-faith idiots were drowned out or chased out.

If all the Biden Riders are paying you guys 100 a year or whatever, great, get that paper but otherwise, no one who shares your politics needs to hear libs make the same dumb bad arguments they've been making nonstop for the last six years.

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Im a a paid subscriber and I say this with the full weight my 8 bucks a month brings: Fuck Trump, Fuck Biden and fuck you democrats already trying to blame others for a potential loss thats wholly on you guys. You're worst than when Simmons uses his bs reverse jinx.

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I find Biden remarkably similar to Trump. Biden is insulting, dismissive, combative and narcissistic just like Trump. How anyone believes either of them to be "decent" or having "empathy" or a "good man" I'll never understand. Biden has displayed the opposite his entire career.

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I feel like 'this is a sound electoral strategy' is about as much as anyone can say for the DNC platform. At least on Discourse Blog Bingo it's the free square.

Probably not great for people who are *not* DNC politicians, consultants and other assorted remorae, who generally are materially interested most in what happens AFTER the electoral strategy works or doesn't.

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It feels kind of like the left has been maneuvered into a goddamn corner, but I still think it's important not to let relief lead to apathy if we manage to get orange satan out. We don't exactly have all the time in the world, especially with a climate that's quickly turning deadly. "Just Beat Trump" isn't good enough, yet the democrats seem content to push an agenda this basically point at him and shrug.

Basically, we're fucked coming or going.

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What exactly is the purpose of this essay, though? Our country is on fire. We are trying to put it out by voting out the current administration. Hand-wringing about how imperfect the Dems are accomplishes nothing more than deflating people's enthusiasm, possibly to the extent of convincing them all politicians are corrupt and why bother voting at all. I mean... is that really useful? Publish this after the election, when hopefully we can begin assembling a functional government again. Until then, circle the wagons, man.

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