As you know, Wednesdays are usually Crosblog days. But Cros is not blogging today because he is in California being a Good Son. His dad, aka CrosDad, aka Paul Crosbie, aka Prof. Crosbie, aka noted Discourse Blog commenter Paul, was having surgery, so Cros is by his side.
It’s not an emergency thing or anything like that, so there’s no need to worry. But we’re giving Cros the day off to do son things, and we’re wishing Paul all the best during the recovery period.
Drive on Paul!!!!
Well aren't you lovely people. Thanks for the wishes, and for cutting Cros some slack. Just don't make a habit of it, it's not good for him!
Oh, cool! Paul is actually related to a Discourse Blogger! So, basically, he has an excuse to be commenting here all the time, whereas I'm just a terminally online middle-aged Dad. Gotcha.
Good luck Paul! And good luck Cros!