Does any candidate have air superiority yet? Where are all the private plane parades? I'm worried the mega-rich from, like, Montana will be the first, and they're for sure all Trump supporters

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The old should lose the right to vote over the age of 65 or 70 or something. The world and more directly, our country, would be much better off. Im with you - let them fight.

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Someone needs to start welding lances to the front of these carts so they can joust

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Is this... politics?

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Hey guys! Golf carts are cool and kind to the environment. And don't be ageists against Biden supporters.

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I will become a golf cart suicide bomber

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Biden cart vs Trump cart, race across the new bridges. Winner gets to be President. Makes as much sense as the electoral college.


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they should fight at that statue of the founder of the villages.

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Important question - are those carts with the 11 mph max speed retarder, or are they the fancy ones that go 25? The latter would allow for much better combat.

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