Sorry Jack, but not including Rod Dreher in the list of weird right wing divorced guys is journalistic malpractice.

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Not the point of this article, but have two smug, self-satisfied, insufferable numpties ever deserved each other more than Bret Stephens and Pamela Paul? They should be nailed into a barrel together and rolled down a hill! They should be walled up into the same corner of a wine cellar! They should be forced to read one another's writing!

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There is something incredibly pathetic about going onto your YouTube livestream complaining about how you’re powerless to stop your (ex) wife from leaving you. You absolutely love to see it.

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Poor Crowder has already used up his BDGE activities pre-divorce though. What's he going to do? Buy a bigger gun holster? Smoke more cigars? Go deeper into the closet?

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When I first heard him say that I couldn't believe what he was saying. Forcing someone to remain in a marriage against their will is disgusting, especially since I don't trust the Texas court system in the slightest to recognize all cases of spousal abuse.

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Steve Crowder became a Tim Heidecker character so gradually it's hard to notice.

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