Jun 29, 2020Liked by Jack Mirkinson

With the exception of their public stances on a handful of civil rights issues, the national Democratic party is indistinguishable from Never Trump Republicans and has been since at least Clinton.

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Yeah Never Trumpers LOVE Obamacare.

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Obamacare is essentially the system Mitt Romney singed into law in Massachusetts. Mitt Romney being the one Republican who voted for impeachment. You know, Mitt Romney, the Never Trump Republican.

Otherwise, smart stuff.

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Oh I know where it came from...doesn't change what Republicans think of it NOW. And remember, some of Romney's primary opponent used Romneycare as an attack on him. And some of the never Trumpers are straight up saying do they want Biden to elect judges? No. But they're going to suck it up because they know their party has become a dumpster fire of shit.

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Yes, god forbid we invite non-progressive-approved others into the Biden camp. Who says we can't squander our current solid lead in swing states?

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Purity above winning! Putity above all! We can lose but be very self-satisfied about ourselves!

Make no mistake anyone reading this blog, look at the pics of these writers. They're all educated, college people, a WHOLE lot of whities, shit probably a few of them came from nice families. They're privledged up the ass. Funny how few hardcore socialists work in factories, but there's a whoooollle lot of hipsters in NY who love that shit. Real common man kind of people.

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The Democrats need to get their messaging in order. But the truth is these Lincoln Project ads are the best thing going for Biden. Sorry. Suck it up.

We need to get the reluctant Trump voter to vote for Biden. I'm not in love with the people behind this thing. However, Joe isn't going to save us but beating Trump like a drum is the only way we invalidate Trumpism.

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Someone needs to go in and kick Trump in the balls every day, and then kick his enablers. Every day. The Democrats are too imcompetent to do it. These progressives talk a real good game but they can't even get most of their people to win primaries, how many times is Bernie going to lose by MILLIONS of votes before we stop taking their advice on how to win?

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Whoa, Mr. Mirkinson, please relax a little. TLP is a group of lawyers creating ads to convince Trumpers to change sides. They are also using ads to enrage Trump, all of which are rhetorical tactics and strategies. Drink some cold water and simmer down, little SJW. I don't want you to pop a blood vessel in your eye over nothing. In rhetoric, all strategies can be used, which is what is being done here by the TLP. Furthermore, they are using rhetorical tropes and figures that will hopefully get through the to the Trumpers. TLP literally does not care about you or the Democrats that are already supporting Biden. They have not a care about what you think about racism or fascism or Trump, so take it easy. Let the Trumpers and Trump become enraged because that is the point.

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No fan of TLP but it doesn't seem to me they were making any claim that Trump's "white power" rt had anything to do with Putin. The point is that Trump reflexively reacts to crises by manufacturing another.

This isn't even close to the first time that he's RT some nazi nutjobs and taken over consecutive news cycles because of it. To suggest that he did so intentionally to distract from an issue that could actually reach his base isn't a wide eyed conspiracy theory, it's highly plausible.

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There was reporting that he told people ahead of time he was going to do something...I forget what, in order to distract from Ivanka's email issues. That may have been some racist shit, I don't remember what he did at the time. And it worked because the media goes for the easiest, more lurid shit instead of the substance.

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Love hearing progressives and Democrats who keep getting their ass beat tell people what to do. At least these guys are doing something other than talk. You all didn't get Bernie's votes, you can talk about rigging but he always got millions of votes less...where the fuck were you and the youth and all of that? Not doing SHIT.

They know there's not a TON of persuadable voters. They're going after the ones who might be. Trump won because of 80,000 votes in a few counties. That was the ballgame. Move a few numbers that could change things.

And frankly, I was listening to a podcast that had Rick Wilson on and they're not doing stuff to only delight the converted. They're going after Mitch McConnell hard...why? No way he's going to lose, right? But now what he's doing since he controls the cash is using way more of it on himself and pulling money out of actual competitive districts where Democrats may beat vulnerable Republicans. Sorry kids, that's real strategy and I NEVER hear Democrats really getting in the weeds and talking for real about how to beat Republicans. So until you can show that you know what you're doing, stop fucking whining.

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The real question is what's going to happen once Trump leaves the White House? Are the Daily Kos libs going to keep fawning over people like Bill Kristol?

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No, then you kick his ass after he's helped win. Kristol sucks. But right now let's get Trump out of there.

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I'm sorry but do you think the average person can tell the difference? When the Lincoln Project endorses Tom Cotton or whatever "respectable" fascist runs for President on the GOP side in 2024 what exactly is the plan?

"Oh yes, we retweeted them and called them geniuses and patriots but now they're monsters!"

Allowing the neocons a seat at the table of respectability is a recipe for disaster. A disaster which will probably take the shape of a war with Iran and/or Russia. But as long as the cheeto is out of the White House who cares, right?

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Oh and by the way, it sure is privledgy flippant for you to say as long as the cheeto gets out of office liek that doesn't fucking matter. Hey have you fucking noticed that 130,000 people are dead in this country and we seem to be the only one who can't seem to get a grip on it, and the fucking cheeto is denying it's even a problem? There's not widespread contact tracing, tests are still spotty as hell. Do you think Biden would be better? I fucking do. Guess you don't care, maybe you have a nice job that allows you to work from home or something, I fucking don't. But hey, hopefully Trump doesn't get the chance to fuck over Obamacare while this pandemic is going on like he's trying to, cause then I'll REALLY be fucked. But hey, cheeto man bad right, that's funny of you!

By the way, talking about Iran, who got out of the nuclear deal and now sounds like they're working on nukes again? Would Biden have fucking done that? Would Clinton? Does the fact that they're making nukes again make it more or less likely we have some real conflict?

But hey, you say smugly behind your computer. Cheeto. Ha ha. Jesus Christ.

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Most of the Lincoln people seem to dislike Cotton and call him a crazy person.

And yeah, that's fucking right. Oh cloak yourself in righteousness, I bet you're well off enough to not give a shit. But hey let's let Trump put another 200 fucking judges in, I bet you'll be bitching when you see what happens as they stay in their seats for the next forty fucking years.

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The old school blogger Driftglass always has been on the money w/these ppl. Never trumpers should be used and discarded the second the election is over. They get zero seats at any table.

The Left needs to remember and not just immediately flush the trump obscenities right down the rabbit hole like we did, largely, with Bush and his crimes.

No quarter.

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I woudn't discard them right away...I know they also want to flush out Trump's enablers. Don't mind the help, Democrats are too fucking incompetent to do it.

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I think I'd be somewhat more sympathetic to this if it seemed effective. The whole pitch for the Lincoln Projects is that a group of strategists and operatives who grossly misunderstood the character of their party in 2016 are now going to rally the sensible core of that same party to action. But the only people who seem compelled by these ads are producers on Morning Joe and people who used to retweet the Krassensteins. It's an expensive distraction.

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I was listening to a podcast that had Rick Wilson on and they're not doing stuff to only delight the converted. They're going after Mitch McConnell hard...why? No way he's going to lose, right? But now what he's doing since he controls the cash is using way more of it on himself and pulling money out of actual competitive districts where Democrats may beat vulnerable Republicans. Sorry kids, that's real strategy and I NEVER hear Democrats really getting in the weeds and talking for real about how to beat Republicans. That's actual strategy and Ill take it.

Also them pissing Trump off by placing one single cheap ad in DC caused him to whine about it and now they're spending a ton of money in DC, which they have no way of ever winning, so Trump can see nice ads about himself for his ego. Lincoln Project got Trump's campagin to flush half a million dollars down the shitter to gain nothing. I don't see Democrats doing anything this proactive.

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I'm kind of conflicted on this one...on the one hand, these guys started this kind of campaigning (if there was a smarter Republican President in office currently doing many of the same things, sans overt white supremacy nods, would they be fine with it? My guess is yes); on the other hand, these ads have been good and if you are late to the party, do we mind here? Anything to take this guy out of office.

But I get where you are coming from in this article too...great to have your Lincoln guys on board, now let's get to work on Medicare For All, Green New Deal, Defunding Police...how happy are they then?

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