Hey thanks for linking to Crosbies other work. I thought it was really engaging and remembered this really good piece by someone at discourse at the beginning of the pandemic (maybe Cros?) that-reflecting back now- made me rethink all the Pooh-poohing of the war rhetoric around the beginning of the pandemic. I mean from a civilian perspective it’s really not that off-base…bunkering, constant sirens, anxiety and lack of good information, never knowing if or when your gunna get got.

Or maybe that’s just Cros’ effective writing and I’m seeing the similarities?

Anyways also appreciate your explainer on that piece that didn’t age well… it makes more sense now. At that time I was joking to friends that for some reason the Olympics give Putin a massive boner and he’s not the type of guy to whip out his dick and not fuck someone. Got some laughs at the time but definitely also didn’t age well what with the reality of death and all.

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Oh thank god Crosbie is finally leaving. Just, just make it home safe, okay?

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