If you'd have asked me a year ago how I planned to spend my Tuesday afternoons for the next 52 odd weeks, I would probably would have said something like "ever heard of a little show called Tiger King?" or "not making a loaf of sourdough bread, that's for damn sure!" Ahh, but things change, the future is unwritten, que sera sera. You get the idea.
For the better part of a year, I've spent my Tuesdays (and one Thursday) with you all for what's become one of Discourse Blog's longest-standing features: our weekly Office Hours open chat, where our subscribers hang out, shoot the shit, and generally spend their time opining on the news of the day (or not) and sharing their hopes and dreams (or not). Office Hours has survived format changes, and website moves, and has managed to become one of the highlights of my week; I don't just like writing it, I like spending time here too. It's a rare privilege to actually get to hang out with the people who make Office Hours — and Discourse in general — so much fun.
Which is why, this week, for Discourse Blog's 1 year anniversary, I thought I'd throw open the doors and ask all you fine folks — new and returning readers alike: What works? What've you liked about the past year of Office Hours and what would you like more of in the year(s) ahead? Office Hours has been a lot of things. It can be so much more. But it's nothing without you folks.
So c'mon in. Hang out a while. Tell us what you'd like to see from Office Hours goin' forward. Remember, this week only, all of our paid subscribers, not just Stewards, can comment! There's no such thing as a wrong answer. There's no such thing as a stupid answer. There are wrong AND stupid answers, but they're few and far between, and honestly we'll take those too.
Let's have some fun. Office Hours is open Go nuts.