One of the best parts about doing Bird of the Week is that it generates such a lovely reaction from our wonderful Discourse Blog community. In a world of perpetual suckiness, one thing is able to bring us all together: the joy that birds bring. We adore hearing from readers who tell us about their favorite birds or have BOTW suggestions for us. Some of our wildest, most memorable birds have come directly from our readers!
But, just like birds, time flies, and I recently looked at the calendar and realized that it has been nearly five whole months since we formally asked you, our beloved readers, to send us your best bird recommendations. This state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue! There are thousands of you out there with incredible bird knowledge— including many who have joined our plucky crew since we last did a bird call-out all those months ago—and your voices deserve to be heard.
So now, as July turns inexorably into August, and birds everywhere gear up for the height of the fall migration season, we are officially asking you once again to tell us about your top hall of fame ultimate most awesomest birds. You can get in touch at hello@discourseblog.com, or you can just drop your bird info in the comments below. Then you’ll get to see your fave in one of our reader editions, or even in a standalone Bird of the Week post!
If you need a reminder of the birds we’ve already profiled in Bird of the Week, just click here.
We can’t wait to see all of your fantastic birds. Thanks in advance!!!
Oh baby, being a Marylander, I must sing the praises of the beautiful Baltimore Oriole.
First off: look at those contrasting colors. Black and Orange just pop, and the streaks of white just light it on fire.
Second: they are nectar and fruit eaters (and opportunistic omnivores), which rules.
Third: Migratory, so you can catch them in the Caribbean in the winter, and across the Eastern US up to Canada when they are breeding.
Fourth: The only good realistic bird logo.
https://images.app.goo.gl/MW88QwEwHQP88XBX6 <That is hot.
https://images.app.goo.gl/PrHjRoyPNzCfRR3BA < Cool bird, garbage logo.
https://images.app.goo.gl/roKs2TKNvFSjhdMB7 < Cool bird, garbage logo.
Fifth: The only good cartoon logo.
A cartoon logo so good, it can stand in for any other cartoon logo as well:
Finally, it's so pretty. Fin.
I forget if it’s been done but if not, hummingbird.