The Supreme Court Is a Death Cult
Its latest ruling underscores how it works overtime to immiserate, endanger, and destroy our lives.
Today, just weeks after two devastating mass shootings, the Supreme Court overturned a more than 100-year-old New York law that limited peoples’ ability to carry guns outside their homes. The practical effect of this 6-3 ruling is that millions and millions of people suddenly live in places where it is much easier for people to take guns around with them in public. The implications of this are obvious. But legal experts say the ruling also goes much further in weakening the ability of the government to regulate guns in any way.

The outcome of the ruling is hardly surprising. It merely underscores what the Supreme Court is: a sordid, authoritarian death cult, working overtime to immiserate, endanger, and destroy our lives.
This is a court that wants to force you to have a child against your will, and then wants that child to live in a world where there is virtually nothing preventing a fanatic from blowing their head off; where the police and the courts and the prisons have the unfettered ability to violate their rights; where they have almost no recourse to challenge those violations (the court also took a battering ram to your Miranda rights today); where nothing can be done to slow the death of the planet they live on; where their right to organize at work is almost non-existent; and where their ability to change any of this by electing different people has been systematically stripped away. It is a court that revels in the power it has to keep us poorer, sadder, sicker, and weaker. It wants to make our lives shorter. Nine people get to do all of that to us, and we are just supposed to take it.
There will be no real justice in this world unless we permanently end the ability of those nine people to cause us such unending harm—until we consign the death cult to oblivion.
Update, 6/30/22, 10:07 a.m. ET: This court is so terrible that the above can apply in so many areas of life, over a period of weeks.

Here’s the opinion. These people are going to be the end of us all.
Hey, remember when the Supreme Court was all about Federalism and States' Rights? How's that working out?
Since the fucking cowards in Congress won’t actually do anything substantive like court packing or, the better option imho, just pass an amendment abolishing the court once and for all, they should just strip the court of its discretionary jurisdiction and only allow it to hear cases under its original jurisdiction. Shrink that shit to the size of a teacup.