Hey, remember when the Supreme Court was all about Federalism and States' Rights? How's that working out?

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Since the fucking cowards in Congress won’t actually do anything substantive like court packing or, the better option imho, just pass an amendment abolishing the court once and for all, they should just strip the court of its discretionary jurisdiction and only allow it to hear cases under its original jurisdiction. Shrink that shit to the size of a teacup.

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There are two things that I always emphasize to anyone willing to listen about the Supreme Court:

1). The idea of nine judges is bullshit and court packing is justified because of the simple reason that there are 15 judicial jurisdictions on the federal level. Adding six new judges RIGHT NOW could easily be argued as creating proper representation for said jurisdictions and would make sense.

2). And I can’t emphasize this enough, SCOTUS CANNOT ENFORCE THEIR RULINGS! The only reason they have any impact is through passive acceptance via the other branches and the States. If so many people disagree with this shit they could literally say to SCOTUS “thanks for your input, now fuck off” and they can’t do shit about it.

Unfortunately too many people won’t take any of this to heart because that’d be too easy, so carry on with the enabling of the Fascist Theocracy I guess.

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pretty exciting to read that article about the miranda decision and find out that biden's justice department was also on the side of the cops! I am taken aback at this shocking news

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Not just the supreme court, the whole country is a death cult

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Red meat to the dogs.

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